Friday, October 6, 2017

House Plants

Who loves plants?! πŸŒ΅πŸŒΎπŸ‚πŸπŸ€

They are not only beautiful to have around the house, but they are a good way to purify the air in your home by absorbing chemicals and pollutants found in the air.

Certain plants have qualities to help people sleep better and reduce stress levels!

For example, aloe vera emits oxygen at night, making it an ideal plant to have in your bedroom for a more restful sleep. Also the gel from the leaves can be used as a topical treatment cuts and burns, insect bites, and dry skin.
The English Ivy is a top plant for purifying air; it can improve symptoms of allergies or asthma, and can remove airborne mold.
A spider plant was found to reduce 90% of formaldehyde from the air in testing done by NASA. It cleanses the air and absorbs odors, and helps to sustain oxygen levels in rooms.

In a study done by NASA, they recommend 15-18 air purifying plants in an 1800 sq ft house with a few in each bedroom. Remember to check if any plants are toxic and to keep out of reach of children and pets. 🐾

So go ahead and go GREEN, make your home more green with plants!  😁

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